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National Volunteer Week Profile | Rowena Twyman

National Volunteer Week (NVW) is the annual celebration to acknowledge the generous contribution of our nation’s volunteers. At this uncertain time we feel that it is more important than ever to recognise and acknowledge Australia’s volunteers. (Volunteering Australia)

Thank you to all of our Gidget volunteers for your wonderful support of Gidget Foundation Australia.
Your donation of time and kind-hearted contributions towards our cause allows us to continue to support expectant and new parents experiencing, or at risk of, perinatal depression and anxiety.
Your generosity, kindness, and passion speak to the theme of this week – changing communities and changing lives.

We couldn’t do what we do without you, so this week as always, we share our heartfelt gratitude to all of our volunteers.

Rowena Twyman is one of our wonderful volunteers who has committed her own time, passion and generosity of spirit to support us, we asked Rowena a few questions for National Volunteer Week.

How did you first hear about the work of Gidget Foundation Australia?

I made a wonderful friend, Kara Nicholls, at Mothers Group. Kara became a Board member for Gidget Foundation and shared with me the purpose, commitment, and contribution to the community.

What motivated you to get involved as a volunteer?

Learning about Gidget and the Foundation resonated with me and I wanted to connect with our community who are impacted at such an important time of life.

Can you please share a brief outline of the volunteer work you have done with the Foundation?

I have been fortunate to participate in the Rugby Union Luncheons, Ladies Luncheon, Melbourne Cup Luncheon selling raffle tickets, administering prizes and coordinating volunteer teams on the day, if required.

Has there been a particularly memorable experience or highlight?

The Rugby events would be a highlight for me. Listening to experiences and personal stories from a males perspective is quite different from my own or my girlfriends, so it helps to keep things in balance. You also can’t go past the fun that they have hassling each other about various reffing decisions or plays from games gone by – oh, and Nick Farr-Jones in the house.

What would you say to others considering volunteering?

Every Gidget event is well run, well communicated in advance and on the day. The team is friendly, polite, and more than anything they make it such an enjoyable day that hours roll by and you don’t even notice.

How has volunteering impacted your own emotional wellbeing?

Learning more about Gidget helped me realise that I spent the first few years of my children’s lives unable to feel joy or connection with my children. Volunteering with Gidget gives me the opportunity to feel part of a movement for new parents. Creating awareness of the challenges that parenthood brings, that each of us has different experiences, and that support is now readily available.

If you would like to learn more about volunteering with Gidget Foundation Australia, please contact us by email: contact@gidgetfoundation.org.au

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Media Contact

Media professionals should contact Gidget Foundation media@gidgetfoundation.org.au