Acknowledgement of Code of Conduct
1 Application of this policy
This policy applies to all Gidget Foundation Australia staff, contractors, consultants, and volunteer workers performing work for or on behalf of Gidget Foundation Australia. All Gidget Foundation Australia staff, contractors, consultants and volunteer workers are required to observe the highest standards of ethics, integrity, and behaviour.
If you have a contractor or consultant reporting to you, you must make them aware of this policy.
Failure to comply with this policy by an individual may result in disciplinary action being taken against the individual, including termination of the individual’s employment or engagement.
2 Code of Conduct principles
At all times when performing work for or on behalf of Gidget Foundation Australia, or when representing Gidget Foundation Australia, staff, contractors, consultants and volunteer workers are required to:
- comply with all policies, procedures, rules, laws, and regulations which apply to them from time to time;
- act honestly and with integrity, including in dealings with patients, families, colleagues, state and federal government departments, suppliers, and the general public;
- treat people with respect and dignity;
- promptly report to Gidget Foundation Australia any breaches of law, ethical principles, or policies that come to their attention;
- observe work health and safety policies and laws and not do anything which may compromise their own safety or the safety of others;
- respect Gidget Foundation Australia’s ownership of funds, equipment, supplies, books, records, and property;
- maintain the confidentiality of any confidential information, patient records, or other material acquired during the course of performing work for or on behalf of Gidget Foundation Australia in accordance with applicable law and policies;
- not swear or engage in physical violence in the workplace;
- not engage in any other form of harassment or bullying;
- not consume, be under the influence of, or possess drugs or alcohol in the workplace;
- behave in a way that upholds Gidget Foundation Australia values and the integrity and good reputation of Gidget Foundation Australia; and
- maintain and do everything required to maintain the qualifications and/or professional accreditations required for them to perform their duties for or on behalf of Gidget Foundation Australia.
3 Nature of this policy
Whilst an individual who is covered by this policy is required to comply with the terms of this policy, this policy does not form part of the individual’s engagement contract or contract of employment and may be reviewed, amended or withdrawn from time to time at Gidget Foundation Australia’s discretion.
4 Acknowledgement of this policy, please complete the below form to confirm: